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In Gratitude...

I breathe deeply, as I stand facing the mirror of Self- Reflection. I review the years gone by, as I step into the New Decade of 2020.

The years when I was floating from day to day, thinking about the next travel adventure, the next job or my next goal. The people who have come and gone from my life, and the wisdom gained from their presence.

The calling of the soul can be like a gentle whisper or a soft nudge.

Left unanswered, the call becomes louder.

  • Sometimes it comes with an illness or health crisis.

  • Sometimes it comes with the parting of a relationship or death of a loved one.

I am well acquainted with all of these, and as I look in the mirror of Self Reflection.

My heart becomes tender with profound gratitude for all my teachers.

  • My parents who gave even when they had little to give.

  • The family members always willing to give a helping hand.

  • Friends and mentors that were their authentic selves and held space as I learned and wobbled during my search of deeper truths.

It has taken many years, to step into the tremendous feeling of Gratitude. As I look into the mirror...what I see is a reflection pool filled with tears...of deep gratitude. Instead of sitting with the regret of what I should or could have said....I am inspired to take action. In my minds eye, I see the reflection of each person...

“I’m sorry, please forgive me for taking so long. Thank you for all the support you gave to me." To my surprise a soft whisper replies.."All is forgiven... it is time for you to forgive yourself.



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