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Where is Love?

The Spiritual Journey is about returning to Love.

How does one find this Love? Years are spent in search of this elusive Love. Sought outside of ourselves perhaps in a partner, a pet or even a job. After a while, there still is an emptiness. There is a type of love that is unconditional that is offered to children. There are many ideas, perceptions and greeting cards with thoughts of Love, in case you may need a reminder.

I remember an experience when a friends mother would shout out “ Love you” during family departures. Confusion set in when I heard the mother speak unkind words as the person drove away.

How was this a reflection of love?

I have come to realize that experiences of Love, or my perception of what it was and what it wasn't, was an exact reflection of what I had been exposed to along my life journey. The thoughts, feelings and emotions of friends and family had become embedded within my energy field. This was all being mirrored back to me. I couldn’t embrace love as it was covered with misconceived ideas of pain, betrayal, doubt, loneliness and powerlessness.

There comes a time when one just knows that things have to change ….that you need to SNAP OUT of the circling hamster wheel.

Are you ready to call off the search for love?

Do you readily extend love to others yet have a hard time receiving or accepting it?

The Love of our Divine Creator Source is available to anyone that is willing to say “Yes” to Love. There is no story or event surrounding its acceptance. It only takes a moment to take a breath in, part your lips and with your gentle whisper state “Yes, I am ready to receive Love”.....and so it is.


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